In Conversation with God....
Part 1
It all started when Rakesh Roy read the Twin paradox in his favorite book – Concepts of Physics, by HC Verma. The whole night he couldn’t sleep a wink. The idea of traveling at the speed of light always excited him more than anything that would excite a boy of his age. He always believed that it, after all, was not so paradoxical, that Einstein was not a moron in predicting ‘The Time Machine’, that HG Wells was the best Fiction ever, even better than the original edition of Harry Potter, his Grand Ma gifted him on his fifth birthday. He was one of the few kids who knew at a young age, what their purpose of life was. His girlfriend was more interested in his Physics than his Physique. His obsession helped him achieve the distinction of being the youngest PhD in Relative Mechanics from the Indian Institute of Science.
His obsession for science and the urge to reason every nuance of the nature, had made him an atheist. He never talked to anyone about his dream of constructing ‘The Time Machine’ which he would call the ‘Time manipulator’, with which he would master time, he would master life and death, he would become immortal, he would become ‘GOD’. Everyday he would wake up from such dreams, working hard to make them his destiny. He didn’t believe in God, he believed in Science. And this belief in Science got him the prestigious Nobel Prize in Physics for his revolutionary paper on ‘The String Theory and the Fourth Dimension’ at the age of 32. The award and the prize money were enough for him to set up the National Physics Laboratory, in a remote
It was the Year 2047 AD and the NPL had become the largest government funded research organization within a decade of its inception. There were hundreds of junior scientists, engineers, quantum physicists, nanotechnologists, all young and bright minds working on various projects assigned by the Chief Scientist, Dr. Rakesh Roy. He kept them unaware of his mighty plans of ‘Operation TM – the Time Manipulator’. Only Siddharth, his favorite student was his close confidant, who would assist him in realizing his dreams.
The date was chosen by
Thanks to his desperation,
Part 2
God – I don’t know about your country but yes I’m the God of this world, because I created it.
God – Magic is nothing but illusion. And you are my biggest magic. This world is a bounded illusion, whereas the universe is the unbounded illusion of the bounded reality. I know it’s difficult to believe me, but you are a part of the system I created, the system which is as technical as a computer simulation, and as mathematical as a scalar matrix. The world is a self-evolving program, where all non-living things are constant parameters, whereas living things are variable parameters. It was a very slow running program until I tweaked it to allow an unbounded parameter called man, whom I linked to the mainstream evolution by apes and monkeys. With this new variable parameter, my program entered its advanced version, which was much more active and fast. And Man being a superior entity, became the disillusioned master. The unbounded parameter started to grow exponentially in the parallel dimension of evolution, which you call the mind. But the boon became the bane. Your insatiable greed and the incessant race to be the God, made you a destroyer. That is the biggest difference between you and me. I create to create, you create to destroy.
God – Reality is nothing but constant illusion. I may be the creator of this world, just like many other creators from our world of
God – Nobel laureate, Rakesh Roy, Chief Scientist, NPL. That’s your identification in your world. Actually, you are the only man to have broken the code of my program, and redefined your own dimensions. And in the present, which is relative to your own time axis, Siddharth has died in an explosion caused due to anti-particle annihilation in your Particle Accelerator Lab, and just now, your last scientist took his last breath.
God – There is nothing left in this world. What are you going to see? The world has already ended. World War – III started in 2062 AD and left the world in ashes by 2068 AD
God – The first one was the war of greed, the second one was war of revenge, and the third one was war of religion. I told you, you create to destroy. And religion also was your creation. Humans can control humans, but they can not control the mind, nor can I.
God – My dear, you may have tried to become God, but you can’t be, ‘coz I created you, and you have a flaw. In your desperation, you never tested your Time Machine, it can go forward, but it can never go backward.
At 9:55 AM, Wanderlust said…
Hey Pushy..nice twists n turns....but the story is laden with too much jargon......
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